Sunday, August 20, 2017

And a Whole New BIG FAT DAY ONE!!!

Once upon a time, I lost 50 pounds. Actually, it was 60, but I put 10 back on and stayed there for a good while. I was good with that weight, 50 pounds was no small feat, and I was happy there. For the last year I have had several ups and downs with my weight and right now I am up 20 pounds which horrifies me. I cannot go up any further, I need to get my ass in gear! However, I am feeling greatly unmotivated.

I haven't posted since my last re-start in January. When I read that post I realized that I am in the exact same spot now as I was then. I am not very good at this obviously. This time I need to find the attitude that I had when I first started this journey five years ago. I also need to take the time to update this journal and keep myself on track. As of today I am hopeful, but we all know tomorrow can be a completely new story. Wish me luck!!!

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