Monday, December 24, 2012

Change of Plans

Well, I decided not to run today.  I scratched my foot up and it hurt to just wear a shoe, never mind run.  I may not get back to running until after New Year's as it might be difficult to get to the treadmill (it's at my mom's).  I will use my glider at home instead to ensure I am burning some calories.

I will use my glider tomorrow (Christmas Eve) to hopefully burn off some of the extra calories that I will consume at my mom's ahead of time.  It's just hors d'oeurves, desserts, and snacks, but I know already that I will over indulge (she made butter tarts!).  I'm bringing a cheese ball (yum)!

Christmas will be another day of over indulging.  I always make a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, ham, hash browns, toast, orange juice and tomato juice.  This year I'm leaving out the ham, but I will be cooking one for dinner.  I will also be making perogies served with fried onions, and bacon crumbles for dinner.  This is in addition to the turkey and all the fixings that my mom is cooking.  I guess I've hit the time in my life where I actually look forward to cooking for Christmas. . .or maybe it's just that I'm adding the food that I want to indulge with! Oh, my mouth is watering just typing this!

I'll "see" you sometime after Christmas!  Until then Merry Christmas!!!  By-the-way, I would not be offended by anyone who wished me a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or any other holiday that you and your family or culture celebrate.  I love all holidays.  Food and family and friends, I'd love to celebrate every one of them with you!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012


I failed Couch to 5k today.  :(  I didn't even make it to 16 minutes, never mind my goal of 17.  I had a pain in shoulder, which I have had before, and I just can't shake it once it starts.  I won't let it discourage me though.  I will be back at it on Sunday, then I will break for Christmas anyway.  I hope to be back on the treadmill on Boxing Day (December 26 in Canada), that would be my normal three-day break, but I might not get back on until Thursday.  We have family coming in and tentative late-Christmas plans with some close friends so it will certainly be a challenge to fit this in next week!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I Have Muscles!!!

I have muscles in my calves that I am actually proud of!  They are amazing (to me).

It was my first bad holiday-feasting day today. It was our Christmas lunch at work today. I ate my entire daily calorie allotment! Oh no! So I certainly couldn't skip my run tonight no matter how tired I was!

Last Wednesday I finally moved on to day 2 of week 5 on Couch to 5k. The last minute of the second run was killer! I did again though, and I thought I was a long way from the day 3 twenty-minute run.  I was going to do a third-repeat of day 2 tonight and then I realized I would never reach 20 minutes if I didn't at least start trying to make it to 20. I ran for 16 minutes straight!!! Then I walked for two minutes then ran again for the last two. Next time I will shoot for at least 17. 16 minutes straight?!? I can only say wow! I am truly proud of myself!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today it has officially been six-months since I started my journey.  My official weight-loss today is thirty-five pounds.  This is fabulous!  At the same time I am wondering why I haven't tried harder.  I am sure if I gave up my Slurpee addiction that I could have done better but I really don't want to give them up!

My treat for getting to 35 was taking my family for dinner for my favorite treat. . .hot wings!!!  I will spend the next week losing the weight I gained back tonight! 

I have now done Couch to 5k - week 5 day 1 - three times.  That is three five-minute runs.  I am trying to convince myself to move to day 2 which is two 8 minute runs.  I know that not only is exhaustion a hurdle, but the mental challenge as well.  I need to convince myself to just do it!  My next run is planned for tomorrow.  I must convince myself to at least try!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Rocked It!

I finally started week 5 of Couch to 5k. I think I'll be sticking to day 1 for a couple of runs because day 2 is two EIGHT minute runs!!! OMG! Just shoot me instead.

I totally rocked Day 1.  It was three five minute runs which I did quite successfully without feeling the need to quit. The last minute was the hardest of coarse, but I don't think it was as hard as the last two minutes were when I was on week 4.

I wore my old runners tonight.  They're like old friends.  They're comfy and they fit cozy on my feet.  I did finally get insoles for my new runners and they are more comfortable now, but still not the same.  Oh how will I ever find another pair of runners to replace my old ones?

Monday, December 3, 2012

All By Myself. . .Again

I guess it's hard to get people to read when I post so irregularly, but I will continue to post when I can as this has been a helpful journal when I have needed to look back at my progress.

34 pounds today, sweet!!! And I was worried!  I felt fabulous when I saw the number on the scale.  I am 11 pounds from my first goal. I say "first" goal as when I reach it I plan to set my next goal to lose an additional 20 pounds.  I will be really happy when I reach that first goal, the second one is just a bonus.

Calorie Count estimates my goal weight to be reached on February 26/13. Ba ha ha ha!!!! That calculator certainly isn't factoring Christmas into the equation! I don't plan to be bad, but I know there will be some bad! I must have butter tarts!! They are my weakness. I will do my best and I will bring healthy snacks to places where there will be temptations.  I am going to offer to cook ham and perogies for my mom as we have turkey dinner at her house.  She, in turn, will hopefully make veggies for me.

I failed at Couch to 5k yesterday, I found that I tired quickly. I may be getting a cold.  I have successfully fought off the last two colds that ravaged my home but both of the kids have wicked coughs right now so I am not sure I can do it again.  I am definitely boosting my vitamin C intake.  I hope to give it a shot again tomorrow, although life could get in the way.  I'd prefer Wednesday but again, I am not sure when I can fit in so I had better do it while I can.