Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Disaster. . .but a new plan

Things are not going great. I did lose 0.6 of a pound last week, so I guess that's better then none. My self-control has been a disaster, but I am looking at the bright side. . .my official 90-day weight loss challenge doesn't start until Tuesday. So now I'm thinking I might was well enjoy myself while I can. My original thought had been to lose a bit before the challenge because I was ashamed of what I had gained, but at this point, it's not too promising.

I am also going to be trying something new! A friend has been posting about Thrive by Le-Vel*, and how good she's been feeling. Her husband has been using it as well and has lost 16 pounds in a month! Of course I'm always interested in trying new things, especially if they might help me make progress. And I need more energy, and I need an appetite suppressant, so the Thrive Experience I have chosen is a weight-loss combo. 

Just to clarify, yes, I am still an It Works girl. Love the products! The Greens have kept me cold free since November and even that was a tiny, brief cold. Before that, a year cold-free.  I am never against trying something new and I personally see no reason why I can't try another product from another company. 

*If you are interested in learning more about Thrive, please visit and create a FREE, no obligation, customer account. All you have to provide is an email address and your name to do so. Then you can view the product and pricing.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Losing, but not in the good way

I'm losing the food battle today. I was good and then a co-worker wanted fries and I couldn't didn't say no, in fact, I drove her there!!!  I am slightly over my calories and I'm feeling so hungry. Not every day can be perfect, but I will fight to do my best!

Tomorrow is another day which will have its own challenges, I'm sure. I'm not throwing in the towel. I will keep fighting tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and so on!

So I'm getting ready for bed the other night and hubby is making a salad to take to work with him for lunch. He has also bought cereal that he likes to eat for breakfast before work. This is great because he usually has Tim Hortons for breakfast, and then a chocolate bar or some junk for lunch. I was suddenly hopeful that maybe his health kick would help with my commitment. However, I'm not sure how far he will go, because once I was in bed I heard him go in the cupboard for chips {insert face palm}. At least he is making better choices when he cooks now so I am benefiting so far at least!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Day 2

I'm not sure why, but I haven't shared with anyone that I have restarted this journey. I did better, I think, the first time around when no one knew what I had set out to do, so maybe I'll keep it quiet for now. I have plans on Friday that will probably have a cheat meal involved, but so far, a whole two days in, I have no desire to cheat.

I have done well these first two days. I know it's only two days but each day I do well is one step towards success. I did a two day cleanse, and my eating is on point. The next step is to get some activity happening. My step count was low today because I didn't walk the mall at lunch, so I will need to work on getting active on days like today.

I will weigh in on Friday morning to see the results of the cleanse and the controlled eating. Perhaps Fridays should be my weigh-in day since my cheat meal will likely happen on the weekends. As in the past, I will call them pre-planned self-sabotage days! 😉

I can't update every day as I don't have a lot to say, but I still need to try to keep this journal of my journey updated. I hope I can stick to it!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

And a Whole New BIG FAT DAY ONE!!!

Once upon a time, I lost 50 pounds. Actually, it was 60, but I put 10 back on and stayed there for a good while. I was good with that weight, 50 pounds was no small feat, and I was happy there. For the last year I have had several ups and downs with my weight and right now I am up 20 pounds which horrifies me. I cannot go up any further, I need to get my ass in gear! However, I am feeling greatly unmotivated.

I haven't posted since my last re-start in January. When I read that post I realized that I am in the exact same spot now as I was then. I am not very good at this obviously. This time I need to find the attitude that I had when I first started this journey five years ago. I also need to take the time to update this journal and keep myself on track. As of today I am hopeful, but we all know tomorrow can be a completely new story. Wish me luck!!!