Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Keep On Going

I forgot that Couch to 5k, Week 5 was such a bitch!!!  Day 1, three five-minute runs, good.  Day 2, two eight-minute runs, check! Day 3, one twenty-minute run?!?  I don't think so!  I ran for ten, walked for four, then ran for six.  I was originally thinking I would just stick to Day 3 for my next few runs until I could get to twenty minutes, but then I looked at Week 6 and it makes way more sense to carry on as normal.  Day 1 is broken up again into 5-8-5 minutes so I think I'm just going to continue as normal without repeating the day. 

I haven't been very disciplined at staying under 1700 calories.  I don't necessarily go very far over that amount but I must start to make a better effort at staying under.  I did lose one pound since last month so I am pleased, but I feel I could get closer to that 160 mark quicker if I can just stick closer to that goal.  My Fitbit shows that I burn more calories then I take in on most days but I would prefer to see a larger deficit.
I would also like to make a bigger effort to reduce my grain intake, but that's a hard one for me.  I admit it, I love my bread.  I just need to get more on top of having other options easily available to me.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lesson Learned

My schedule is a little off track AND I was very bad on Saturday.  I had a hair appointment first thing then I worked overtime and didn't eat properly during the day.  When it came time for dinner I was non-selective.  My mom wanted to go out for dinner and when we got there, I was starved!  I ordered two appetizers for the table and soon found out that I was the only one that liked the hot spinach dip that I ordered!  My son ended up liking it too but only ate a little bit because he was more interested in the other appetizer, sweet potato fries. Then for my entrĂ©e I ordered a larger dinner than normal too and ate all of it!  Lesson learned. . .eat properly during the day!!!

So good, but so bad!

I also didn't do my run!  By the time we got home it was late and my stomach so full, there was no way to run without cramping or worse.  I normally try to eat light if I'm going to go for a run so it really wasn't going to happen.  I will go tonight. I need to get back on schedule at some point and the overtime in my future doesn't make it very easy.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Color Me Broke

Last night was the first time in the five weeks since I've returned to my journey that I missed my "run".  I'm at Week 5, Day 2, but had to postpone until tonight. You see, life gets in the way sometimes, and on the weekend one of my cats became ill and had to be taken in to the vet.  He stayed for two nights and came home Tuesday night to the tune of $1200 and an expensive special diet.  So, when the opportunity to work overtime was presented, my hand was up. "Ooh, ooh, pick me!"  Now tonight we normally have extracurricular activities but due to a parent-teacher night those activities are being skipped giving me the opportunity to get my run in.  

I haven't shared that I registered for Color Me Rad this year.  I'm super excited!  It will be my first 5k!  The reviews from last year advise that I probably won't be running the entire time due to crowding and color-bomb stations, but I really would like to do my best.  I am glad though because right now I'm saying "What was I thinking? 5k? Yeah, right!"  I was also saying that during my five-minute runs on Monday.  How the heck did I ever make it up to 30 minutes before?!?  It's all for fun so I'll try not to worry too much.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Blog Post That Turned Into A Rant. . .

One-sixty seven.  Progress is so slow now.  It kind of makes me really think that 170 is really where my body is meant to be.  I had no troubles maintaining 170 but getting lower and then maintaining that may not be in my future.  I kind of still want to get lower just to say I did it, but I'm pretty sure that 170 will be the ultimate place to never go over again!

The biggest reason I can't see myself getting past this "plateau" is because I do refuse to cut my calories any lower.  I've always lived by the motto "I'd rather be fat and happy then skinny and deprived".  It's still true even though I have lost weight.  
I know there will always be critics who think I'm lazy or unhealthy but you know what? They don't get to critique me because I did make changes and I am healthier than I once was and there are many other people out there in far worse shape than I ever was.  

Also, I can't stand those people who used to be "fat" that now critique every "fat" persons' "bad" choices.  Do you think they don't know they're being unhealthy?  Do you think they don't know that they're "fat"?  That used to be you!!!  Not everyone can do it.  Some people just can't make that commitment and keep it.  Some people don't have the time or resources to go to the gym or go running or whatever.  If it was easy then there would be no "fat" people, we would all be skinny!  People do not need to judge others for what they do or do not do.  Offer advice based on what helped you, but don't expect it to be followed, let it be taken if wanted, adapted as needed, and ignored by those who are not interested.  End rant.