Have you ever had an argument with yourself? I can't be the only one. They're usually quick. A decision is made and it's over. However I just had one for about 45 minutes while I drove my son across the city and came back home by myself.
ME: I’m hungry.
ALSO ME: No, you are not.
ME: I wonder if there’s an ice cream place somewhere on my route.
ALSO ME: You don’t need ice cream.
ME: Well, there’s a Dairy Queen on the way back, maybe I could go there. No one would know.
ALSO ME: I would know!!!
ME: I wonder if that place at The Forks is still open this late.
ALSO ME: No, it’s too late, it’s either closed or getting ready to close.
ME: I could just go check.
ALSO ME: I’m totally not paying for parking to check if it’s still open.
ME: Fine, where else could I go? There’s one if I take another route home, also probably closing soon, but they only take cash.
ALSO ME: {Checks pocket for change at red light} Ha! Not enough money, you/I have foiled your idea!
ME: {Still driving home} I wonder what that new place is that I heard about, I wonder if it’s an ice cream place.
ALSO ME: That’s totally out of the way, I am not checking.
ME: BUT I burned extra calories today.
ALSO ME: Yes, but how about I go for the calorie deficit! I have been doing so well for the last few days. Deficits leads to weight loss and I want to lose weight!
So I went home. No ice cream. The reasonable me won. Phew.