It's a roller coaster but I don't want to get off. Even if there are not enough highs, and too many lows on this ride.
I was doing great and had my pre- planned bad day on Friday to take my son to a movie. I had nachos, my movie favorite. Then Saturday came, and I was mostly good, but not good enough. Sunday was a birthday with Pizza Hut pizza and Dairy Queen birthday cake! Monday, I was mostly good again but let myself crack at the end of the day. Tuesday, I had grand plans to be good, I was doing great, then my mom and I went to bingo (it keeps her happy). I brought veggies and dip, she brought Hickory Sticks and chocolate. I know that I am able to say no, but I didn't. Such bad choices and I keep on making them!
Tomorrow is another day, and I plan to start every day as a good one. If I didn't then the last two and a half years would have been for nothing. Don't give up. Never give up. Ride the roller coaster. . .BE the roller coaster, because a roller coaster track never ends, it just keeps going until you stop. Don't stop and you will get back up the hill again.